Help me make a difference in our community while becoming a better rower!
Why you should support me

I have never done rowing before; this is my first time being on the water strapped into the shoes. Only knowing rowing happens on the water and being a team sport, my knowledge was
little to nothing. Thinking it could be fun since I have always enjoyed being near the water. This
season is going to be a lot of fun racing head to head with other teams. I have never done any sport competitively before, the closest thing I got was robotics but that has no physical activity. I have no doubt that I will enjoy my time on the team. So far my time with the team has been
great, everyone is so nice and willing to teach new people. Glad I took a chance and got involved with all of these great people.
How to Participate
To make a donation via Paypal, debit, or credit card, click the button below, and follow these instructions:
- on the first page, enter the amount you’d like to give
- underneath your donation amount, please select “KSU” from the drop down menu labeled “use this donation for…”
- on the second page, click “+ write a note (optional)” and type “Evan Mack” in the text box so I’ll get your support!
- in addition to my name, enter the number of meters you think the whole team will row during our “hour of power” on October 19–the person who guesses the closest gets a prize!